Hey you!
If you are living in Luxembourg you might be aware that the Rock-A-Field Festival is about to start this afternoon. I know that many people are going and I will be too, of course. But only after I have finished my preparation at home.
It's one of the biggest events here in Luxembourg and you have thousands of people enjoying the concerts with bands from all over the world.
But how can you survive such a weekend without indulging like crazy?
But how can you survive such a weekend without indulging like crazy?
I was asked this question so many times by my friends and followers. So whether you don't want to ruin your whole work because of one festival or simply because the prices are just too damn high and the portions are so small that they don't make you feel full, here's a small list of food which you can easily take along, especially if you have a cooler-bag.
- Rice
- Quinoa
- Rice crackers
- Quinoa crackers
- Meat and chicken ( only for max. 2 days, and only if you can cool it)
Of course you can also bring ounces of water, if you feel motivated to carry them around.
Here's another small tip :
Dig a hole into the ground where you can put your cooler bag in and add some ice-bags which will allow you to cool your food a bit longer. And don't forget to take plastic foil to protect your bag from the mud. This is very useful when the rain starts to pour down.
Now I really need to get going because I don't want to miss anything. Have a great weekend and if you see me at the festival, come by and say hello. I would be happy to meet some of my followers.
Talk to you on Monday again