How was your weekend my lovely fitfam? Did you rest and recover enough to start all fresh into the new week?
I definitely did. I was such a couch-potato this weekend and did nothing productive, except meal prepping of course, walking my best buddy Mumble, and finally buying my tickets for this year's biggest fitness exhibition: FIBO .
The FIBO will be held from the 9th to the 11th of April in Cologne again. With over 116.000 visitors and 700 exhibitors, it has become one of the greatest meeting point for Bodybuilders, Weight Lifters and the Martial Art community. Last year was my first time visiting the FIBO, and I was overwhelmed by all these fitness and sports-fascinated people and of course by all the awesome stuff you can buy and try. It was quite funny to cross all these bad-ass athletes and bodybuilders who are, most of them, very tall. So just imagine me next to a huge bodybuilder? I looked so tiny and felt like 'do I even lift?'...
The FIBO is actually divided in two different exhibitions, the FIBO and the FIBO Power. The FIBO Power is mainly about Bodybuilding, Weight Training and Martial Arts. There you can also meet A-list bodybuilders like Ronnie Coleman, Jeff Seid, Kay Green or Jay Cutler, but also famous female athletes like Dana Lynn Bailey, Ramona Valerie Alb or Stephanie Davis.
Besides this you can enjoy the many different shows such as the Miss FIBO Power Beauty Contest, the DBFV Men's Physique Cup, a Terminator Show, FIBO Power Strongest bench-presser contest or the Strongman Championships League.
You may be wondering why I am already so excited about this year's FIBO, don't you?
If you have read my posts about the new year's goals, you already know why.
I am aspiring to participate at the Miss FIBO Power Beauty this year, but there is still one thing to do... Get a top8 ranking at the online-voting. Only the first 8 are actually allowed to participate in April. To be honest, I don't think that an online-voting is really fair, because first of all you can photo-shop your pictures. Second, you can manipulate your voting, and third; if you have lots of friends on Facebook or on your Facebook-page as an athlete, you are more likely to get more votes. But still, if you place top8 and participate at the contest in April, you are the one that has to step on stage with the physique you have.
Therefor I don't see the point of cheating in the voting, but you know, there are always people who don't play a fair game. I personally think it would be best if they would organize a prejudging the day before the show to judge the athletes in real and not via an Online-Voting.
I am aspiring to participate at the Miss FIBO Power Beauty this year, but there is still one thing to do... Get a top8 ranking at the online-voting. Only the first 8 are actually allowed to participate in April. To be honest, I don't think that an online-voting is really fair, because first of all you can photo-shop your pictures. Second, you can manipulate your voting, and third; if you have lots of friends on Facebook or on your Facebook-page as an athlete, you are more likely to get more votes. But still, if you place top8 and participate at the contest in April, you are the one that has to step on stage with the physique you have.
Therefor I don't see the point of cheating in the voting, but you know, there are always people who don't play a fair game. I personally think it would be best if they would organize a prejudging the day before the show to judge the athletes in real and not via an Online-Voting.
If you haven't bought any tickets yet, or booked an hotel, hurry up because a lot of hotels are already complete and the prices of the rooms are sky-rocketing day by day.
And don't forget to vote for me HERE (Jennifer Ries). You can vote once a day to help me get a top8 ranking and participate as the only Luxembourgian athlete at the Miss FIBO Power Beauty.
Many thanks in advance already and I wish you a great new week. Keep pushing
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The beautiful Winners of the Miss FIBO Power Beauty 2014 |
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