Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2015

Review: Basen Fasting

Before I start my review, I would like to give you some information about 'basenfasten'. 
It was developed by the Wacker Family in 1997 and is meant as a treatment for detox and relief. When we talk about 'basen-fasten' we talk about the voluntary renunciation of acid food (animal proteins and corn) for a limited time to cleanse our body from acidic toxins. 

There are several methods for 'basen-fasten': you can do it only during a weekend (like me) or over months for which I would suggest to get more information. Talking about the foods you are allowed to eat, there are also some differences of course. But let's stay with this one. 

What you are NOT allowed to consume during this detox: 
  • coffee, even decaf
  • black,green and white tea
  • mate, fruit and rooibos tea
  • alcohol
  • milk
  • sugary drinks and foods
  • sausage, lunch meats , hams and bacon
  • smoked, brined or pickled foods
  • shell fish
  • garlic
  • fast food
On a strictly 'alkaline' day (free from acid food) you mainly eat vegetables, ripe fruits, salad, sprouts, herbs and a few nuts and seeds. Complete shopping lists can be found on the internet or in books or you can check the list below. You should also drink 6 to 8 glasses of mineral water and diluted herbal tea. 

What you need: 
  • mineral water
  • herbal tea (like nettle tea) 
  • lemons , grapefruits and apples
  • vegetables like: onions, leek, parsley, white kale, celery, bay leaf, cucumbers
  • hazelnuts , almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpink seeds
  • 'basica' , which is a 'basen' product (available at your local pharmacy or at 'dm' in germany) 

Why I did this cleansing? 

Since I cut my finger weeks ago, I had to take antibiotics to prevent an inflammation. Unfortunately my body stored a lot of water which made me feel really bad, bloated and in some way very uneasy. 
So when my coach returned from a seminar three weeks, he told me about 'basenfasten' and how this can have an impact on the body and the overall well-being. Therefor I wanted to give it a try to purify my body and get rid of that retained water. 

What was my detox like?

It was mainly based on lemons, grapefruits, apples,hazelnuts, cucumbers, a self-made bouillon, boiled eggs and a 'basica'-'basen' product. 
If you want to know what my day looked like, you are welcome to check out my new movie on my YouTube channel (below). 

How I felt after this detox-weekend?

First I was a little bit concerned about the amount of food, which appeared as 'nothing' to me. I couldn't imagine that this would satisfy my hunger. Waking up on Saturday, I was curious about how I would feel during the day. My first thoughts were, 'well probably sluggish and grumpy'... 

Starting my day with a glass of warm lemon-water woke me up instantly, probably because of the sour flavor of the lemon. As I knew that I had to wait for 2 hours until my bouillon was ready, I had one of the three apples I was allowed to eat during the day. This really saved me as I probably wouldn't have survived another 2 hours without food. So far so good. 
I couldn't wait for my bouillon to be ready because it smelled so good. Meanwhile I prepared the cucumbers, the grapefruits and the hazelnuts, to have an equal apportionment over the day, just like the nettle tea that I already prepared in the morning. 

Despite the fact that I had to pee all the time, I didn't feel sluggish or hungry, which really surprised me to be honest. My body felt less bloated and I a lot better in my skin. I could clearly see that something has changed, which the scale also proved me. I lost 2 kilos, which should be mainly water. 
Unfortunately, at the end of Sunday, I had some headaches, which didn't surprise me. I think it's because I couldn't eat any carbs over these two days and my brain needed fuel again. 

So all in one, it was a great way to cleanse my body from acidic toxins. I definitely feel better now, and I think that I will do this detox-program again once in a while when I feel bloated and uneasy. 
It was by far tthe best detox I have done. The Nikki-Sharp 5-Days-Detox (review here) was great as well, but now that I've learned about alkaline food and its advantages I am more convinced about the 'basen-fasting' program. 

If you have further questions about my experience, don't hesitate to contact me via my facebook-page (here). 

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