Freitag, 30. Januar 2015


My weekend couldn't start any better, even if I am feeling totally sore and can hardly move.
First of all, I have my favorite training day of the week... right, LEGDAY! 
Second, we finally got some snow again here in Luxembourg, which really makes me happy, even if the snow doesn't stay and even if it's freezing cold.
And last but not least, we cracked the 3.000 likes on my Facebook-page and I have to say that I am so thankful for every single like.

When I started my Facebook-page, (not even a year ago!) I never thought that it would have so much success and get so many likes in such a short period of time. The same goes for my Instagram account and of course my blog.
I can call myself lucky to have such a kind and positive fitfam 'around me' on my social medias. You really keep me going with your daily nice and warm words. For some of you I have already become kind of an inspiration (for which I feel truly honored), but people, you are also a great inspiration and motivation for me, believe me or not. 

Therefor I hope that you won't miss the voting for the Miss FIBO Power Beauty from the 1st of February to the 28th of February. I need every possible vote to get a top8 ranking in the Online-Voting to participate at the 'Miss FIBO Power Beauty' Competition in Cologne in April. Don't worry I will surely inform you and share the link to vote as soon as the voting is open.

That said, here are my favorite #pumpingfairy posts from this week.
Enjoy your weekend my loves.
1. sarah_48612  and her supporter-team, the 'orange' one looks quite confused hihi
2. pumpupapp sharing a guest post of me (thanks again!)
3. carolegoerend on a rainy 12km run
4. pia_fit03 already lost 11kg, great transformation and inspiration (Keep going )
5. xeniia_93 taking gym-selfies with barbiebeeeee
6. aline_janie showing off her great progress
7. sopheylicious is happy because she also lost two more kilos (good job!)
8. urbanvalyou enjoying a delicious and healthy egg-protein-shake by Powerfood's J-M.B
9. lauragetsfit_14 making us jealous with that beautiful place she has around the corner on a run.

Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2015

Back/Shoulder Session

As already mentioned two days ago, I got a new training plan. 

And with new routines comes new muscle soreness as muscles are being stimulated and trained differently. We switched from 5 sets of 13/15/13/15/13 reps to simply 5 sets of 13, which allows me to increase the weights and also the intensity. So I don't have to occupy half of the weights in the gym anymore, as I always warm-up with lighter weights and go on with two different weights for 13 and 15 reps.

Concerning the Back-shoulder/Back session, we didn't change that much, we only changed the Barbell Rows to Negative Barbell Rows and replaced the Deadlift with the Sitting Rowing Machine, which I have never used before to be honest. It was kind of funny when I wanted to use the Rowing Machine because as I am not very tall, I had to set up the seat almost the highest so I could reach the handholds... (don't laugh at me)

Still I wasn't sure about the weight, so I warmed-up with 5kg each side and went on with 10 , then 15 and finally 20. I think it's better to try it out step by step than to look like a complete douchbag , loading up all the weights and being absolutely NOT able to lift (or in my case, row) it and look completely stupid (like most of the men when they are using a new machine)
I wonder how painful this soreness in the back will be as I still can't walk correctly because of the new leg-day I had on Monday.  Today I still feel , let's say, 'ok', let's talk about it again tomorrow or the day after tomorrow... (#liftersproblems)

Oh and the pictures were taken by a coach of the gym. Of course the staff is always super friendly when you are visiting and checking out the gym for the first time, as they want new members, but they are still all very friendly, open-minded , funny and always ready to help you out, for whatever it might be.

I hope you had a great week so far and enjoy the rest of it, only 2 more days until weekend. #youcandoit

Dienstag, 27. Januar 2015

New Training Routines

Hey guys, sorry for the belated post.
Usually I post on Monday already, but I was quite busy and tired at the same time yesterday. There is are good news and a bad news, the good news is I know where my dizziness comes from, the bad news is that I have to visit the kinesiologist once a week for 6 weeks. This jumbles my entire plan , concerning my training sessions because I always train from Monday to Friday and have my rest-days on Saturday and Sunday. Now I have to go to the kinesiologist's on Wednesday (if we can arrange an appointment for that day ) and train on Saturday instead. But if it helps to get rid of that dizziness, I don't have the choice, do I?

Nos, let's switch over to the new training routines.
Last weekend Ken, my sister and I had (yes also my sister) had another checkup at my coach's. My diet plan looks the same, except that I also have an afternoon-snack on my low-carb days because I get up a lot earlier than usually and sometimes I am really craving in the afternoon as I can only hit the gym the earliest at 4.30 pm.

As Ken and I changed to another gym, we also have the opportunity to train on new machines which our old gym didn't have. I am happy that we changed the routines and also the reps because I got kind of bored as I had those routines for a long time now (even if I always got muscle-soreness).

I was added the Hackenschmidt-exercicse and also standing Calf-press on my first Leg-day.
The Back-shoulder/Back-Day now includes the Sitting Row-machine (alternately) and also some crunches with my legs on a bench (with weights) and leg-raises with my legs hanging from a bench (also weighted if possible) , 5 sets with max. reps.
My Pumping-Day also varied a little, I was added 2 new Super-sets: Barbell-Curls along with Overhead Cable Triceps Extension with a Rope & Cable Curls with Dumbbell Triceps Kick-Backs and another new exercise; Lying Dumbbell Triceps Pushes with a Turn. They are like the Skull-crusher, only with a dumbbell in each hand and when you extend your arm you turn the dumbbells slightly outwards to really get into the triceps.
My second Leg-day changed a lot. I got the Lying Leg-curl, the normal Leg-press, Squats on the Smith-Machine, a different variation of Step-up Lunges, Sitting Leg-extension (5reps low-middle, 5 reps middle-top and 5 whole extension), and Sitting Calf-press.
On the last training-day (shoulder,back,biceps and triceps) I now have the Sitting Cable Row, Alternate Row Machine and again Overhead Triceps Extension.

I might sound a little sadistic but I love the pain of soreness from new workouts as they push my body and muscle to new limits again and make me feel how used my muscles have been to the old routines. 
If you also got bored by your routines , don't lose your motivation, lose old exercises and add new ones to shake up your sessions. 

Freitag, 23. Januar 2015


Hey my lovely peepz. How was your week? 
Well as some of you might have read on my Facebook page I was feeling kind of dizzy the whole week and it didn't get better by now, so I am going to see the doctor on Monday. 
This really sucks, I was so motivated at the beginning of the week and on Thursday I had to stop my pump-session and today I skipped the gym. I don't want to hurt myself because I always lose balance when I am leaning forward or backward... and that's definitely not advantageous at all. 

Therefor I decided to still have a positive attitude towards the situation by using the spare-time to checkout my new toy (Sony Alpha 5100). I am totally amazed by this camera and its high-quality. So be aware, I am going to spam my walls with fancy-looking gym and food pictures #sorrynotsorry. 

But now enough of me and my stupid dizziness. Here are my favorite fitspirational #pumpingfairy posts of the week. If you haven't joined in yet, use the hashtag #pumpingfairy for your fitness and health-related posts on Instagram and off you go. 
1. lauragetsfit.14 shared a delish new vegan recipe, check t our here.
2. sopheylicious has the perfect motivational workout buddy
3. urbanvalyou's breakfast: a badass Nitrostak booster and a smoothie made of apples,pineapples and kiwi.
4. b_lume always sharing her foodspiration with us, cappuccino oatmeal topped with choco drops and a slicep pear.
5. caro_rouge has some fancy new nikes, #jealous
6. juliessmallworld's lunch: omelette with cottage cheese, broccoli and rice.
7. flouwelsch in action. proud of you, and good luck for the play offs.
8. aline_janie makes us all jealous with he awesome cheat-meal, sushi and donuts. Is there anything better?
9. pia_fit03 looking the cutest with her breakfast: protein shake with oats, banana, raspberry, white cheese, orange juice and water.

Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2015


Ashley Kaltwasser (IG @ashleykfit )

Last week I saw that hashtag #WCW and I was wondering what it possibly means. It seemed as a new trend has started on the social medias. Of course I made a short research and found out that #WCW stands for 'Woman Crush Wednesday'. Users of all social medias, Twitter Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr etc. are using this hashtag when sharing pictures of ladies that they find attractive or inspiring. Women and men are using this hashtag and participate in this weekly trend, which is almost seen on a Wednesday , therefor the 'W's.

It's kind of like my #pumpingfairy movement except that it's just on Wednesday. A WC (woman crush) can be every one, from famous celebrities like Angelina Jolie, favorite female bodybuilders like Dana Linn bailey or Michelle Lewin, to simply someone's love interest. Actually sharing a #WCW with an important person in someone's life is a great way to acknowledge this person or just give a hint of who someone finds attractive.
The funny thing is, I realized that not only people are being acknowledged on the #WCW but also 'women' like the Starbucks mermaid or the Statue of Liberty. 

I think that I don't have to explain that my #WCW are mostly bikini-competitors like Michelle Lewin, Margrett Gnarr, Ashley Kaltwasser , Lone Noras and my latest female crush, Alice Matos. I think that each's physique is just outstanding. I know they are all well-toned and have the perfect body (in my opinion)  but they still distinguish themselves by their unique muscle and body shapes. 

Who is your #WCW? 
Lone Noras (IG @llone )
Alice Matos (IG @alicematoss )
Margret Gnarr (IG @margretgnarr )
Michelle Lewin (IG @michelle_lewin )

Montag, 19. Januar 2015

Nuxspreads Recipe

Unfortunately December is already over... so no more Christmas-cakes or-cookies (erw). But don't despair, there are still plenty of delicious and healthy recipes I am going to share with you. 

Do you remember when I reviewed the products by Nuxspreads? Well today I tried something new, which is actually only semi-healthy and to enjoy in moderation. I call it ' Mini Nuxspreads Croissant ' and it's by far the easiest recipe ever. Even if you aren't good at cooking or baking or whatsoever has to do with the kitchen, you simply can't do something wrong.

If you don't know where you can get Nuxspreads, you get the chance now to win a Nuxspreads-box on my Facebookpage. The winner will be announced next week, so have a look at the conditions to participate and good luck.

  • Puff pastry (the ready ones from the grocery store)
  • Nuxspreads
  • 1-2 Yolks
  1.  Open your package and unroll the dough. Normally it should have around form, if not, take a ROUND plate, place it on the dough and cut out a circle. 
  2. Slice pizza-like pieces (meaning triangles)
  3. Cut a small line at the outer edge 
  4. Place a blob of your favorite Nuxspreads at the bottom of the line of every pizza-like dough piece
  5. Roll up from the from outward to inward
  6. Place on a baking-sheet
  7. Before putting in the oven, froth up the yolks in a separate bowl and coat your Mini Nuxspreads Croissants with some yolk (this will give them the golden-brown color afterwards)
  8. Bake in oven for about 15minutes at 180° until gold/brown.
  9. Take out and let them cool-down before you devour them (otherwise you can burn your tongue because the inner middle will still me hotter)
  10. Enjoy!

Sonntag, 18. Januar 2015

Factory4 Fitness-Check

Maybe some of you have noticed that I have been working out in another gym this week.
As I started a full-time job in the city center, it has turned out a little stressful, if not to say impossible, to hit the gym before the famous rush hour. There is a lot of traffic on the highway and I wouldn't arrive at my old gym before everyone else. And you guys know how much I dislike it when all the weights are taken and the machines occupied. Therefor I was on the look out for another gym, even if I was very satisfied with my current gym. But I just don't want to spend my entire evening driving from one place to another and having only one hour left to chill on the couch and enjoy the spare time with my boyfriend. 

I was advised to go checkout a gym called 'Factory4'. I had already heard of it before, but I wasn't really sure if it would be worth its reputation, so I gave it a try this week. Testing while hitting a badass legsession is the best way to find out if I would feel comfortable in the gym or not. 

To get a better overview of the gym, here's some tips and advices from me: 

- About the gym: 
  • Very friendly, funny and open minded staff
  • Congenial gym-members. Instead of looking at you like a weirdo they talk to you and try to help you.
  • Beautiful entry with a small restaurant and bar. The bar is open everyday and you can also benefit from the 'take-away' service of the restaurant. Beside this, they welcome you every wednesday for an after-work party starting at 6pm. (more events are coming soon). I really love the atmosphere of that bar/restaurant, it looks so cozy and you will definitely feel comfy there.
  • Fitness-bar where you can enjoy protein shakes, protein bars and drinks (like smoothies or juices)
  • A great variety of training-methods: Functional Training, Cardio, TRX, Crossfit and group-courses (more details below) 
  • Relaxing Wellness area (2 Saunas, 1 hammam and a space to relax)
  • Big changing rooms with roomy lockers, mirrors, showers, 2 toilets and of course hair-dryers.
  • Latest high-end machines (Hammer strength, Techno-gym and Life Fitness)
  • Great variety in different machine variations, like 2 different leg-curl machines or calves machines.
  • Lots of benches and squat racks (very important for me!) 
  • Many free weights, like kettlebells, dumbbells and more. 
  • Weights are always tidied up, same goes for weight-plates
  • 3 rooms for the collective courses, whereas you can enlarge 2 smaller rooms to a bigger one.
  • Wide range of cardio machines (by Life Fitness)
  • A lot of different spots to workout. (They also have two seperate first floors) 
  • Even during rush-hour you won't have a problem to get through your routine as they try to limit the memberships. 
  • Diet-& Clothes Shop: - Dietary supplements (shakes, protein bars etc.)
    - Clothes & towels
  • Personal Training for:- Functional Training
    - Stretching
    - Rehabilitation
    - Muscular growth
    - Physique preparation
    - Stress management
  • Courses:- Cardio: Aero Box, Cardio Mix, Fit Boxing, Spinning
    - Muscular: Gym Tonic, FAC, TAF, Body Shape, TBC, Body Sculpt, Fit Pump
    - Dance: Fun Dance, Bokwa, Zumba, Tropical Dance, Step Dance
  • Cicruit training on Techno-gym machines (optional: you can also use the machines normally)
  • Very clean and tidy location. 
-Tips for your first visit:
  • As there are a lot of different spots, I highly advise to ask for a short tour through the gym to know where everything is placed. 
  • You have to pay attention when you are walking by the crossfit area as they are mainly training on the 'path'.
  • You will need a lock for your locker. (If you don't have one, you can buy it at the entry)
All in one I was very satisfied and also surprised because I didn't expect the gym to be that big and to have such a wide range of machines. I felt comfortable right away and I think if you are looking for a good gym where you can achieve your goals, whatever it might be, you are on the right track at Factory4. As far as I am concerned, I am already convinced.
Oh... and you can also have a free-day-pass to explore the gym before applying for a membership. Just tell them that you took notice of the gym through the lifting-fairy. (or Jennifer )

Have a nice Sunday evening and wish you a great start in the new week.
View from the entry
nomnom questbars 
machine-aera, trx area
lots of kettlebells
view from the top
crossfit area on the right
free weights ares
benches everywhere
Hammer Strength machines
several legpresses
cardio machines

at the bar
post workout snacks
Eenergy drinks
Train Dirty

Freitag, 16. Januar 2015

#pumpingfairy Friday

Ahhh... Finally it's Friday.
Yep I already sound like everybody else who is working. Well I am no saying that I don't like my job, but I have to admit that I am not used to getting up that early anymore. I already start work at 7am, so I have to get up at 5.30am. You surely think I am crazy, don't' you? But the thing is, I can stop work at 4pm already, which is more practical for me as I can hit the gym without a problem afterwards. So a little sacrifice has to be made. Therefor I am happy that I can sleep a little longer tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. The hardest part is to actually get out of my warm and cozy bed... I think everybody can relate, right? When I am up, I definitely have to take my energy booster to wake up. I don't need need and I don't drink coffee, I have my energy booster which is a lot healthier and definitely much more delicious.

But let's switch over to you. It's already the 3rd week of 2015 (well actually the 2nd, but to be correct the 3rd)... Did you still stick to your good intentions or are they already fading away? (I hope not ) If you've stuck to them, you can be very proud of yourself because a lot of people already chuck them in after two weeks. Hold strong, you can do it. You have already come so far that giving up would be such a pity for you and your goals. 

  1. caro_rouge getting it on for legday
  2. pia_fit03 's breakfast: oats, raspberry, white cheese, water and applesauce
  3. t.vani08 and her running buddy, fluffy balls ftw!
  4. melinas_suesses_leben has a new pair of tough-looking training-gloves
  5. clairshess doing some stretching
  6. sarah_48612 is a tea-lover par excellence.
  7. lauragetsfit.14 got new tights. Absolutely fantastic dear!
  8. b_lume had a coconut-chia pudding topped with puffed amaranth,blueberries,crushed almonds and strawberries as a post-workout snack
  9. urbanvalyou and her fluffiest buddy on a morning-run

Mittwoch, 14. Januar 2015

Review: Keeptight gear

Wear your strength

I have the great pleasure today to introduce a new brand called 'KEEPTIGHT GEAR' from Denver,Colorado in the United States.

I came across their Instagram-account by accident some months ago and I was instantly convinced by their idea of promoting a hardcore gear for women with a fierce approach to fitness and health. They want to provide the ultimate fitness excursion through their products and brand. Melanie B. & her husband Eric B. wanted to create something new. Something hardcore. Something different.

'Wear your strength' embodies their belief that what you choose to wear is a direct result of the effort and passion you put into your goals. I mean if this doesn't motivate you to dig deeper...and oh by the way, Keeptight is absolutely disassociated from men's sportswear. Girls only,yeah!

Now let's get over to the clothes  themselves.
Fortunately I was able to test the most essential of their items, meaning a pair of capri tights, a tank-top and their fleece-hoodie (of course in black and pink). At the first glance, I was already convinced by the design, the cuts and of course the colors... I mean, they are pink? (#girlygirl). Not to forget to mention that the fabrics feel extremely comfortable and cozy. Well that was only a first impression... 
As I always want to be 100% honest with you, I took those tights to the max... And well,they could even stand up to a badass legsession. The tights didn't chafe nor rub and they have always been in the right position. During my workouts they felt extremely comfortable and cozy, just like a second skin. The same goes for the super pink tank of course. 

If you love challenges and train without wasting time and are extremely health-conscious, especially when it comes to fitness, nutrition and lifting weights. If you love to inspire your friends and family and many other people.If you are a fighter and don't take 'no' as an answer, you are a Keeptight girl and deserve to wear your strength. 

Keep tight.

Tank-top & tights
Everything pink and black
Keeptight gear in action
Close-up of my fleece-hoodie
In collaboration with Keeptight gear.