After half a year of doing nearly nothing, my life is back to super busy: I work until late afternoon, hit the gym, go home, take a shower , eat and go sleeping... Just imagine I had to prepare my meals for everyday after. This wouldn't make it any easier and even more stressful...By meal prepping I try to eliminate the stress and time factor.
As I always preach: preparation is the key.
The first step is to plan and list up your meals for each day and then get all the things you need, not only food but also lock-lid containers. If you are new to meal prepping, it's better to buy a few more containers , just to make sure you can store all the food.
- Pick one day per week to plan your meals for the whole week (according to your goals and preferences of course)
- Choose two days to prepare your meals. This should be at the beginning and in the middle of the week. I wouldn't prepare meals for more than 2 days as it may risks to get spoiled.
- Make sure to include every nutrient you need (protein, starch and vegetables).
- Protein: chicken breast, natural ground beef, ground turkey, fish (salmon,tuna,cod,shrimps), eggs, steaks.
- If you are vegetarian or vegan: beans, tofu, or broccoli.
- Carbs: quinoa, sweet potato, brown rice, basmati rice, potatoes, quinoa crackers, puffed rice quinoa crackers.
- Veggies: Spinach, green beans, broccoli, tomatoes, asparagus, carrots, zucchini, cucumber, mushrooms, peppers - If you have all the ingredients for your meals, start chopping and slicing your vegetables. This can also be useful if you want to snack (it's easier to chose for something healthier when it's ready to be eaten). Do the same with fruits that need cutting or peeling.
- Cook and prepare your protein and carbs for the following two days. You can also prepare your meals for the whole week if you put them in the freezer. (I prefer preparing for only two days, it's up to you)
I think it's easier if you prepare your meals at two different days as this will prevent you from losing your whole rest-day with preparing and cooking for the next week. Oh...and concerning the storage of your containers when you are on the road, at work or at school, have a look at my older posts about the Renee Tote and Innovator500 by 6PackFitness. I think they are the perfect thing to help you stick to your diet and still look fancy as a fairy.
Have fun prepping my loves.

Tip top!!
AntwortenLöschenThis is a good idea! I cook every day after work and it is quite tiring even for someone, like me who does't go to gym every day.
AntwortenLöschenHey thank you for stopping by!
LöschenYes you're right, and as I have to eat meat twice a day (lunch&dinner) it's actually pretty time-consuming, plus on carb-days I have to cook eggs and I definitely don't have the time in the morning to cook my breakfast (to be honest, I prefer to sleep a little longer then haha)
It's just so easy, cooking twice (or sometimes three times a week) and you have more spare time in the evening to relax on the couch and don^t have to worry about cooking and cleaning.