Hey there!
Today is my last day of Nikki Sharp's 'stay sharp be strong' detox program and I wanted to have something different for breakfast.
So I was scrolling through my 'Following-list' and I clicked on
Melina's Blog, ( She is new in Fitnessblogging too) where I found this awesome recipe!
I know in Nikki Sharp's detox you shouldn't eat several things but hey , the ingredients I need to 'bake' the Dough-Roll are actually okay.
Dough-Rolls , they look a bit weird but they taste like heaven! |
What you need:
- 1 Bowl
- 1 Blender
- 1 Mixer
- 1 Oven
- 1 baking-tray & non-stick baking paper
- 1 Zucchini
- 3 Eggs
- 1 bowl of blueberries
- Vanilla powder
- Stevia, or any sweetener you like
- Blend your Zucchini until it's almost a smoothie
- Add only 1/2 of the Blueberries and blend them with your Zucchini
- Make some 'snow' with the 3 egg-whites
- Put your Zucchini-Blueberry mix in your bowl and add 1 yolk & mix
- Now let it snow on your bowl and mix everything together
- Then add some vanilla powder and some sweetener to taste
- Finally, pour your mix on the non-stick baking-paper, which should lie on a baking tray that's at least 1cm deep. ( You don't want to pour the whole thing on the floor!)
- Bake it for about 30min at 180° in the oven
- After that, take your dough out, let it cool down a bit.
- Cut it in pieces
- Sprinkle the rest blueberries on it and keep rollin' rollin' rollin'...
hallo meine Liebe, also du musst die Zuccini nicht mit den Blaubeeren zusammen mixen, sondern nimm am besten die zuccini und raspel sie und danach gut das wasser ausdrücken, dann hebst du da das Eiweiß drunter und tust das auf das backblech und dann versteilst du darauf die Beeren (ohne die klein zu machen) und dann kannst du es auch super einrollen, die farbe kommt übrigens dadurch das du die Blaubeeren mit unter die zuccinimasse gemixt hast :) ich hoffe ich konnte dir helfen :)
AntwortenLöschenLieben Gruß
LöschenAhh okay , vielen dank für den tipp! Dann werd' ich es das nächste mal so machen. Klingt auf jeden fall logischer:) Danke :)